25th Anniversary

In the year 2018 we have served 25 years representing the entrepreneurs of the polygon of Villalonquéjar. Therefore, a series of activities have been carried out in order to celebrate these 25 years of activity together with our associates and the city of Burgos.

Infantile drawing contest

Contest organized in collaboration with Fundación Caja de Burgos, which had 21 drawings, which showed the workplace, within the polygon of Villalonquéjar, the father or mother of the participant.

Photography contest

Contest organized in collaboration with Fundación Caja Circulo, which counted on 78 photographs, which reflect our polygon from different perspectives.

Photography exhibition

Sample of the 78 photographs of the contest celebrated on the occasion of the 25th anniversary together with images of the activity of our association.

Popular paellada

Day of coexistence and celebration of all the years of activity of our association, together with our associated companies.

Publicado en Projects and activities.